Free Camera Roblox

Dec 19th, 2019
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  1. Here is a New Roblox Nba Finals and Nba Phenom Aimbot Script-Roblox---->local Player = game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer
  2. local UserInputService = game:GetService('UserInputService')
  3. local gui ='ScreenGui', Player.PlayerGui)
  4. text.Size =, 0, 0.1, 0)
  5. text.TextScaled = true
  6. UserInputService.InputBegan:connect(function(InputObject, gameProcessedEvent)
  7. if not gameProcessedEvent and InputObject.KeyCode.Name 'Three' then
  8. text.Text = Power
  9. elseif not gameProcessedEvent and InputObject.KeyCode.Name 'Four' then
  10. text.Text = Power
  11. elseif not gameProcessedEvent and InputObject.KeyCode.Name 'Two' then
  12. for _, v in pairs(game:GetService('Workspace'):GetChildren()) do
  13. local bal = v:FindFirstChild('Basketball')
  14. game.ReplicatedStorage.FolderService.Communications.Funcs:FireServer(bal, 'Power', Power)
  15. end
  16. end
  17. local PlayerService = game:GetService('Players');
  18. local cam = workspace.CurrentCamera;
  19. local TrackHumanoid = false; -- If set to false, then this will only track players, else we will track NPCs and players.
  20. local sleight = false;
  21. local UserInput = game:GetService('UserInputService');
  22. if not gui then
  23. local frame ='Frame', gui);
  24. gui.AlwaysOnTop = true;
  25. gui.Size =, 100, 0, 100);
  26. frame.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255);
  27. frame.Size =, 0, 1, 0);
  28. frame.BorderSizePixel = 0;
  29. if isNPC true then
  30. if p and p.Parent:IsA('Model') and p.Parent:FindFirstChild('Torso') then
  31. local t = p.Parent.Torso.CFrame *, -0.25, 0);
  32. cam.CFrame =, t) *, 0, 0.5);
  33. end;
  34. if p and p.Character and p.Character:FindFirstChild('Torso') then
  35. local t = p.Character.Torso.CFrame *, -0.25, 0);
  36. cam.CFrame =, t) *, 0, 0.5);
  37. end;
  38. end;
  39. game:GetService('RunService').RenderStepped:connect(function()
  40. for _,v in pairs(PlayerService:GetChildren()) do
  41. if v.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass('Humanoid') and v.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass('Humanoid').Health > 0 then
  42. else
  43. end;
  44. end;
  45. if TrackHumanoidtrue then for _,v in pairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do
  46. if v.Parent:IsA('Model') and v.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass('Humanoid') and v.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass('Humanoid').Health > 0 then
  47. else
  48. end;
  49. end;
  50. elseif enabled false then
  51. gui.Parent = nil;
  52. end;
  53. if input.KeyCode Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift then
  54. end;
  55. if input.KeyCode Enum.KeyCode.Insert and sleight true then
  56. end;

Roblox Free Camera Button

RAW Paste Data

Roblox Free Camera Mode

LeftShift + P = Start/Stop FreeCamControls: WASD to move aroundQ/E to move the camera up/downMouse wheel to increase and decrease the FOV.

Free Camera Roblox

Free Camera In Roblox

ATC Tower/Free Cam Access

Free Roaming Camera Roblox

Use this Game Pass in: Pilot Training Flight Simulator

Free Camera Roblox

Highlights your chat in yellow WHEN IN AN ATC TOWER. This can only be used for role play, it has no affect on other players/planes. Grants you access to a free camera, use Shift P to toggle on or off. Cannot be used whilst in the pilot seat.Gamepasses are not refundable.

Game Pass
Jan. 03, 2021

Free Camera Script Roblox

Highlights your chat in yellow WHEN IN AN ATC TOWER. This can only be used for role play, it has no affect on other players/planes. Grants you access to a free camera, use Shift P to toggle on or off. Cannot be used whilst in the pilot seat.Gamepasses are not refundable.

Free Camera Roblox

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