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Script to dump character game animcmd scripts programatically using r2pipe (3.0.0 and later versions only) - rubendal/SSBU-Dump-Scripts. Scripts and stuff I wrote for Roblox. Documentation is little to none as these are just stuff I took from my game that I thought I could share. Kampfkarren/Roblox. Fnaf world colors. THE HOME TO THE BEST ROBLOX EXPLOITS! Home Scripts / Exploit Downloads Chill Exploits ShitSite: In the top right corner, press Scripts to download the scripts.

Synapse X Exploit – Download 2020

Synapse X is not suitable for all scripts, but there is a huge base for their creation and a list of already created ones. Sort your game with Bots, Auto-farm, Scripts on stats and more you need to use programs that allow you to intervene in the game process by injecting a DLL library. Synapse X free is one of the best executables scripts for Roblox. wide functionality with interesting GUI support for proxy and multi-window mode, autorun of the game, and other functions.

  • Try all possible script variations.
  • Various modes
  • Create your own bot
  • Or just bother playing others.

The price of Synapse $ 15 is quite democratically, given the fact that the creator promises constant assistance and updating his program.
Read the video instructions for installing and configuring the program, and then download the free version.

FAQ: How to download and install Synapse X Cracked

We want to remind you that there are no cracked versions of Synapse X, or they are not relevant, so as not to download viruses and other programs that interfere with your PC, we recommend that you go to the main Synapse website and familiarize yourself with the pricing. After what you get a serial key for your copy of the program, all questions can be asked in discord

Or use any other executor script for Roblox.

What needs to be done for cheats to work in Roblox:

Synapse X – has a rather strong dependence on computer hardware and third-party programs, you should have at least 12 cores and a game installed on an SSD. Here is a list of actions that you need to take in case the program does not start.

  • Disable antivirus on your PC
  • Disable Windows Defender
  • Disable Window Firewall
  • Install drivers and libraries for cheats on your computer:
  • Install Libraries Latest Supported Versions of Visual C ++
  • Install NET Framework
  • Install DiretX
Virgo 3.0 download roblox script injector
May 29th, 2018

Vergo 3.0 Download Roblox Scripts

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  1. ---for the people who dont have a key here PAIN_UHdtbTduNXA0UjNWN0dxb1FPMk9RSjRzMDYwVzdqd3l1R0ZTTndBaGQwYz0=_
  2. local Settings={
  3. MainColor=Color3.fromRGB(255,100,100);
  4. };
  5. local'ScreenGui';
  6. Storage.Parent=game:GetService'RunService':IsStudio()and (wait(2/3)and game:GetService'Players'.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui or nil) or game:GetService'CoreGui';
  7. TEXT_='TextColor3';
  8. };
  9. for i,v in next,OptionsForColors do
  10. I[v]=Settings.MainColor;
  11. -- print(I.Name, 'noped', i);
  12. end;
  13. end;
  14. local'Frame';Main.Name='MainFrame';
  15. Main.BackgroundTransparency=1;Main.BorderSizePixel=0;
  16. Main.Parent=Storage;Main.Visible=false;
  17. HUD.Name='HUD';
  18. HUD.Visible=true;
  19. local'TextLabel';
  20. UILabel.BackgroundTransparency=1;UILabel.BorderSizePixel=0;
  22. UILabel.TextScaled=true;
  23. UILabel.Parent=Main;
  24. local Tabs={};
  25. local ToggleSettings={};
  26. local Y=0;
  27. if v.Name:find'ARR_' then
  28. end;
  29. for i,v in ipairs(Main:GetDescendants())do
  30. local P1,P2=v.Name:find'TOGGLE_';
  31. v.TextColor3=Toggles[Name]and Settings.MainColor or,1,1);
  32. end;
  33. if v then
  34. Label.Name='TEXT_ARR_'.i;
  35. Label.BackgroundTransparency=1;Label.BorderSizePixel=0;
  37. Label.TextScaled=true;
  38. Label.TextXAlignment=Enum.TextXAlignment.Right;
  39. Y=Y+30
  40. end;
  41. Tabs[TabName]={};
  42. local'TextLabel';
  43. Frame.BorderSizePixel=0;
  44. Frame.Active=true;
  46. Frame.TextSize=18;
  47. Frame.Text=TabName;
  48. local'TextButton';
  49. Toggle.BackgroundTransparency=1;
  51. Toggle.TextColor3=Color3.fromRGB(84,84,84)
  52. Toggle.Text='-';
  53. Toggle.Parent=Frame;
  54. local'Frame';
  56. Frame2.BorderSizePixel=0;
  58. Frame2.Parent=Frame;
  59. Tabs[TabName].OpenClose=function()
  60. if,250,0,Y)or,250,0,0)then
  61. Frame2:TweenSize(Toggle.Text'+' and,250,0,Y)or,250,0,0), 'Out', 'Quad', 1/3);
  62. end;
  63. end;Toggle.MouseButton1Click:Connect(Tabs[TabName].OpenClose);
  64. Tabs[TabName].AddToggle=function(ToggleName,Optional)
  65. local'TextButton';
  66. Button.BackgroundTransparency=1;
  69. Button.Text='> '.ToggleName;
  70. Button.TextSize=16;
  71. Button.TextXAlignment=Enum.TextXAlignment.Left;
  72. Toggles[ToggleName]=false;
  73. Button.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
  74. UpdateArrayList();
  75. return Button;
  76. end;
  77. end;
  78. game:GetService'UserInputService'.InputBegan:Connect(function(IO,GPE)
  79. if IO.KeyCodeEnum.KeyCode[Settings.ToggleKey]then
  80. end;
  81. --------------------------------------------------------------
  82. CreateTab'Tools';
  83. Tabs.Tools.AddToggle'InstaKill';
  84. CreateTab'Render';
  85. CreateTab'Utilities';
  86. Tabs.Utilities.AddToggle'UnlockAll';
  87. local P = game:GetService'Players'.LocalPlayer;
  88. local Misc = game:GetService'ReplicatedStorage'.Misc;
  89. local ChatGui = PGUI.ChatGame;
  90. local C = Color3.fromRGB(100, 100, 255);
  91. repeat wait();
  92. for i, v in next, CurrentTexts do
  93. v.TextColor3 = Color3.fromHSV(H, 1, 1);
  94. table.remove(CurrentTexts, i);
  95. end;
  96. until nil;
  97. local Msg = Misc.Msger;
  98. local MTag = Message.Tag;
  99. Message.Parent = ChatGui.GlobalChat;
  100. table.insert(CurrentTexts, Message);
  101. Message.Msg.Position =, Message.TextBounds.x, 0, 0);
  102. Message.Msg.TextColor3 = Color;
  103. Message.Visible = true;
  104. end;
  105. local secret953 = secret953 or debug.getupvalues;
  106. local getreg = getreg or debug.getregistry;
  107. local ScriptSettings = {
  108. };
  109. local Functions;
  110. for i, v in next, getreg() do
  111. local Upvalues = secret953(v);
  112. if not Client and Upvalues and and Upvalues.char and Upvalues.gamelogic then
  113. elseif not Bypassed and Upvalues and Upvalues.netkick then
  114. Bypassed = true;
  115. end;
  116. end;
  117. if Client then
  118. Console('[1/3] Hooked client' . (Bypassed and ' and bypassed PF's anticheat.' or ' but failed to bypass PF's anticheat.'));
  119. Console'[1/3] Could not access Framework.';
  120. error'Stop using skidsploits without the debug library.';
  121. ['closeconnection'] = true,
  122. };
  123. do
  124. Console'[2/3] SIP detected, no need to bypass contextlevel check.';
  125. Console'(Note: If you get a 'nice network' ban it's not my fault, it's 3dsbob's. Complain to him not me.)';
  126. elseif not secret500(, 'settings', error) then
  127. Console'[2/3] Failed to bypass contextlevel check, aborting for security purposes.';
  128. P:Kick'Rejoin! (If this kick hadn't have happened you would have been banned so be grateful. -Classy.)';
  129. Console'[2/3] Bypassed contextlevel check.';
  130. if Upvalues and Upvalues.funcs then
  131. Console'[3/3] Got functions.';
  132. Console'[3/3] Failed to init some dependencies, some features may not work as intended.';
  133. end;
  134. local Succ, NoSucc = pcall(function()
  135. local Network =;
  136. local GameLogic = Client.gamelogic;
  137. local Send = Network.send;
  138. local GR = Char.loadgrenade;
  139. local V =;
  140. Network.send = function(self, ..)
  141. if #Args > 0 then
  142. -- if not Name:find'ping' and not checkcaller' then for i, v in next, Args do warn(i, v, typeof(v)) end end
  143. if #Args > 4 and type(Args[5]) 'string' and Args[5] 'Falling' and Toggles.NoFall then
  144. return;
  145. elseif Toggles.InstaKill and Name 'bullethit' then
  146. if type(Args[3]) 'number' and Args[3] > -100 then
  147. return Send(self, unpack(Args));
  148. elseif Name 'logmessage' or Name 'deploycheck' then return
  149. end;
  150. end;
  151. Char.loadgun = function(..) -- TODO: implement a self arg to make things look more tidy.
  152. local Args = {..}; if #Args 0 then return G(..); end;
  153. Console(string.format('Modding %s (%s)',, GunData.type));
  154. GunData.hideminimap = true;
  155. GunData.sparerounds = 9999;
  156. GunData.camkickmin = V;
  157. GunData.aimcamkickmin = V;
  158. GunData.aimtranskickmin = V;
  159. GunData.transkickmin = V;
  160. GunData.rotkickmin = V;
  161. GunData.aimrotkickmin = V;
  162. GunData.hipfirespread = 0;
  163. GunData.swayamp = 0;
  164. GunData.steadyspeed = 0;
  165. GunData.hipfirespreadrecover = 100;
  166. GunData.bulletspeed = 5000;
  167. GunData.crossexpansion = 0;
  168. GunData.variablefirerate = false;
  169. GunData.range1 = 1000;
  170. GunData.firemodes = {true, 3, 1};
  171. GunData.animations.onfire = {};
  172. return G(unpack(Args));
  173. return G(..);
  174. Char.loadgrenade = function(..) -- TODO: implement a self arg to make things look more tidy.
  175. Console'Throwing grenade(s).';
  176. local Args = {..};
  177. Grenade.animations.pull = {};
  178. Args[2] = Grenade;
  179. Args[3][Grenade.mainpart].CFrame = P.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame *,0,0);
  180. ThrownGrenade:pull();
  181. Char.grenadehold = false;
  182. return;
  183. return GR(..);
  184. local Spotted = {};
  185. for i, v in ipairs(game:GetService'Players':GetPlayers') do
  186. table.insert(Spotted, v);
  187. end;
  188. end;
  189. spawn(function()
  190. if Toggles.GlobalESP then
  191. end;
  192. end);
  193. spawn(function()
  194. if Toggles.Credits then
  195. Toggles.Credits = false;
  196. Console('Giving infinite credits, these cannot be used to buy cases/keys.', C);
  197. end);
  198. spawn(function()
  199. UpdateArrayList();
  200. Console('Unlocking weapons and attachments.', C);
  201. local Attachments = require(game:GetService'ReplicatedStorage'.AttachmentModules.Info);
  202. local Guns = game:GetService'ReplicatedStorage'.GunModules:GetChildren();
  203. v.unlockkills = 0;
  204. for i, v in next, Guns do
  205. local GunModule = require(v);
  206. end;
  207. end);
  208. end);
  209. end);
  210. if not Succ then
  211. end;
  212. Console(string.format('Fully loaded VIRGO! Init time: %s seconds', tostring(tick() - InitTime)));